Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Hokay, genius time!

Instead of creating a list of criteria that I want in a wife, I've just decided to create a list of criteria that I want to have as a husband!

Because sometimes my thoughts are as logical as I want them to be: If I desire marriage why have I stopped training to be a Godly husband? Basically I let my last breakup act as a reason to mope and to lick my wounds and to complain to myself about how girls end up pulling away for no discernible reason.

I realized that I can't just keep playing the victim card. If I really desire to be a husband, I'll keep moving in that direction. Here's some adjectives that I have in mind right now, I might add more but I think this is a good starting place

Thoughtful - thinking of other's feelings
Prayerful - praying for people and myself everyday
Generous - with time and money
Pure - praying for self-control with external temptations and with my own thoughtlife

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